It takes a lot to throw off my generally happy disposition, but a few weeks of work travel (and the corresponding poor sleep and unhealthy eating) and a head cold have knocked me off my game. I desperately needed a few hours outdoors before kicking off another project, so I took off this morning to see how the wildflowers are looking this year.
Santa Teresa is a pretty good local park for flowers so I decided to start there. My 11 mile hike took me to all different parts of the park, and while some areas were already in bloom others hadn’t even started.
Trip Report
I began my day on the Stile Ranch Trail. The flowers were blooming left and right. Poppies, Fiddlenecks, Blue Dicks, Popcorn Flower, and more were brightly lining the path. I thought it was a good sign that the rest of my day would be just as brightly colored, but unfortunately this was the highlight.

I looped up the Rocky Ridge Trail to Coyote Peak, and saw only poppies and shooting stars on the way. On the trails of the east and north side of Coyote Peak there were no flowers at all. The Ohlone Trail can be a good one but not yet this year. I took the short side trip to Laurel Falls to find only a trickle. Come on, rain!

With yet another low rainfall winter who knows what the rest of the season will bring. All I know is that it felt great to get out today on a beautiful warm sunny California February morning. Apologies to those currently freezing their tushies off in the rest of the country!